With all the talk in bodybuilding circles of the effectiveness of human growth hormone (HGH), many bodybuilders believe they know a lot about the drug. The storage and transport, timing, dosing, and other factors have been beaten into our heads in article after article, and many bodybuilders are fairly comfortable with it. However, the actual […]
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: A Testosterone Substitute
When it comes to diet, bodybuilders can pretty much eat according to any diet plan. Excluding eight meals of sushi per day, of course. Most food sources are readily available to bodybuilders. When it comes to training, most bodybuilders with access to a gym and a somewhat flexible schedule (to avoid those very crowded times) […]
How To Recover From Gynecomastia
Q: I have been recovering from some light gyno—something I never have had to deal with before now—and I have been taking some Nolvadex. Some of the swelling beneath the nipple is going down, but it isn’t going down all the way and it’s pissing me off because I want to go on another cycle […]
RoidsPharm.net Reviews
This suppliers offers an extraordinary assortment of anabolic steroids. You can discover there such brands as Balkan Pharmaceuticals, British Dragon, Dragon Pharma, Gen-Shi Laboratories, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Sciroxx and others. There are many positive reviews from clients. Prices Prices offered by the supplier are great. All in all, customers are generally satisfied with costs since they […]
Facts For Ladies That Want To Use Steroids
As a lady you should be very hesitant before jumping on the bandwagon that is steroid use. It is very prudent that one gets the best advice possible from a qualified physician and for more comprehensive and responsible reasons one should get lab tested before starting on the maiden dosage of anabolic steroids. What good […]
Examining Estrogen Inhibitors
Q: What’s the difference between estrogen inhibitors “Arimidex” and “Femara”? I’ve always taken just Nolvadex, but wanted to try these and didn’t know which one would be more effective. Is it true that each new anti-estrogen product is more effective than the last? A: First off, try not thinking of each anti-estrogen as better than […]
Fast Facts On DHEA
Are you searching for a quick study on DHEA? Here are some fast facts! DHEA has been available for almost fifteen years. It was originally sold as a hot testosterone booster in the 1990s, for very steep prices at premium stores like GNC. When the original marketing gleam of “Feels like Deca!” wore off, it […]
Find Out How You Can Get Legal Anabolic Steroids
Q: Listen Doc, here’s a cool way to smuggle all the Test you want from Mexico, here’s what I do. I go down with my girlfriend every 4-5 months and buy about 20 Sustanon 350’s and empty them all into a Coppertone Sun Bathing oil bottle, and she puts it in her purse with all […]