It is no secret that people that hit the gym regularly want to get into great shape and do so as fast as humanly possible. However, the human body has its limitations as far as to how it can perform in the gym. Outside the gym, the human mind has come up with a number […]
Why D-bol Could Result In Acute Back Pains
Q: I’m taking a ton of D-bol and getting great results. I’m hard as a rock and have put on 12 pounds of quality mass and I’m just 6 weeks into my cycle. But, I am getting vicious back pains and don’t know what to do about them. Is this normal? A: Mm-hmm, D-bol back […]
High Concentration Of Winstrol
Q: My training partner claims to be getting 300 mg/ml Winstrol. I have seen it only up to about 150 mg/ml – is this possible or is he full of it? A: Yes, it’s possible, but you may not be able to shoot it at that high a concentration, unless it’s legit Dragon Pharma Winstrol […]
How Clenbuterol Affect Endurance?
Q: Does Clenbuterol decrease or aid endurance? A: Does genuine Dragon Pharma Clenbuterol decrease or aid in endurance? Well, that’s quite an interesting question because in some ways, people’s first response would be to say, “Are you nuts?” But I do see where you may be going with this. It is incorrect to say that […]
How Cold Conditions Affect Oil Based Steroids
Q: Hey, two questions actually… (I’m greedy and they’re short)… First off, I ordered some gear and it’s been super cold where I live. I vial of oil based AAS (don’t like to incriminate myself by saying) arrived supposedly arrived to a mailbox I use 2 days ago and I couldn’t get around to getting […]
How To Avoid A Steroid Addiction
In the world of steroids one has to be very clear on how he gets to use them and the form in which they are obtained not forgetting to have a clear understanding of their legality. Otherwise, neglect has been established as one major causes of steroid abuse, with many people in this business having […]
Primobolan is a unique drug with a small but very loyal following. Let’s learn more about its uses, while remaining aware of the fact it is NOT the standard mass-building steroid we encounter so often. Q: What form of Primobolan is available? A: You can buy cheap Primobolan in USA in both oral and injectable […]
Tri Tren 150
Tri Tren is a stack of three popular Trenbolone esters which is very popular among hardcore bodybuilders. Let’s explore this unique drug by answering some of the most commonly asked questions regarding its use. Q: First off, what is Tri Tren? A: Tri Tren is a steroid manufactured by Dragon Pharma which delivers 50 mg […]