Anabolic steroids have a remarkable ability to help the athlete recover from a grueling workout. Millions of bodybuilders and powerlifters worldwide partake in their use each year for their role in recovery assistance. Athletes can train longer and harder, yet still recover faster, with the addition of AAS to their routine. Despite these wonderful aspects […]
Anabolic Steroids Reviews: Keys To Making Correct Choices
It’s time to design a steroid stack and make your purchase. You’re looking for some reliable and unbiased anabolic steroids reviews. But where should you begin? Let’s examine a few sources of both good and bad information regarding the various aspects of steroids. Here are some reliable sources of information for anabolic steroids reviews. Books […]
A Look At Anabolic Steroid Use And Your Muscle Metabolism
In the human body there exists a mechanism that regulates muscle metabolism which is of a more steroidal-hormonal nature. Steroids occur as anabolic and catabolic. Catabolic steroids are known for their muscle breaking properties, while anabolic steroids are the opposite; they are muscle building. In respect to the steroidal-hormonal mechanism, these two types of steroids […]
Testoxyl Cypionate – Versus – Synthetic Test
Q: Dr. Deca, A doctor friend of mine told me the best way to take Testosterone is to take small amounts, about 300 mg every 3 weeks. He said this will augment my own Test because this amount won’t shut-down my own production, yet it’s still enough of a “spike” to build muscle! What’s your […]
Dosage Ceiling: Myths & Facts
How much is too much? You can never have too much money, right? Well, once you’re on the radar, your new friends at the IRS will ensure you have a whole lot less of it. Muscle is something you could never have too much of, right? Well, you could reach 400 pounds of muscle, but […]
Designing Beginner and Intermediate Cycles
If you spend any amount of time on the steroid message boards, or reading steroid journals, you likely discover many variants of anabolic steroids available to add to your steroid stack. Some of them are common, such as Dianabol or plain ol’ testosterone. Others contain molecular adjustments and deliver all sorts of different approaches to […]
A Look At Steroid Use Throughout History
Most modern day medicines have well-documented histories of use, misuse, development, and evolution. We have seen the evolution and use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen over the decades and centuries. However, the advent of anabolic steroids has been a recent one. We are still very much in the first century of anabolic agent use, and […]
Could There Possibly be Steroids in MMA?
According to, there are some Mixed Martial Arts fighters who are taking steroids to boost their performance. In the summer of 2009, MMA heavyweight Josh Barnett tested positive for steroids. Some say that he was just a poor scapegoat of the test being effective. However, another top 10 heavyweight, Shane Carwin, tested positive for […]