HCG is not known to be an anabolic steroid. It is a natural hormone that does develop within a pregnant woman’s placenta. After nidation within the placenta there is the formation of HCG. It has lutenizing characteristics because it is very similar to the LH. It is found within the anterior part of the pituitary […]
A Day In The Life Of A Steroid User
Once perceived as a fortress of Bodybuilders, fitness mavericks as well as professional athletes, the uses of steroids for bodybuilding is very prevalent in the world today more than any other time in the history of the times. This has been marked as a problem that raises lots of concern because the abuse of steroids […]
A Comprehensive Study Of Anabolic Steroids
The term steroid refers to a group of chemical substances that have almost the same structure. There are three types of steroids that are very well known to most people. These are: a) These are the hydrocortisone-like drugs. They are medically referred to as corticosteroids. These drugs are mostly ingredients in both prescription & non-prescription […]
Testing Your Steroids For Purity
Question: Someone I know mentioned that they got their UG gear tested and I wanted to do the same. Can you tell me where I can get UG gear tested to determine how close it may be to the actual mg doses stated? Answer: There is such a place. You’ll want to remain anonymous, of […]
The Longest Steroid Cycle
Question: What is the longest you know of someone being on a cycle? I have heard people say that they have been on for close to 20 weeks before. Could this be possible without committing murder or something? Answer: I just had to laugh when we got your question. Not because of the question itself, […]
Anti-Estrogens vs. Anti-Aromatase
Anti-Estrogens – Used to block receptor sites, not stop conversion of AAS to estrogen. So when it’s already converted, anti-estrogens block the body from this action. TAKE ANTI-ESTROGENS BEFORE AND AT THE FIRST SIGN OF RECEPTOR ACTIVITY (GYNECOMASTIA), OR BETTER YET, ALONG WITH AN AROMATASE INHIBITOR Nolvadex is the best example of an anti-estrogen. It […]
What Are The Strongest Steroids On The Market?
Question: What are the strongest steroids on the market today? Answer: Well, the most powerful steroids today are often not the most ideal. Then again, some are. We can classify, again, based on our opinion, but someone out there is going to say, “Oh no way man! You have it all wrong!” Since we hate […]
Testosterone Cypionate Cycle
Testosterone is popular with bodybuilders and it is cost effective. Testosterone cypionate is similar to testosterone enanthate, but injections with Testosterone cypionate are usually less frequent. This drug works well alone or stacked to design a great bulking cycle. Although it comes with a high risk of side effects, it is excellent for building mass. […]