common steroid myths for bodybuilders

Common Steroid Myths For Bodybuilders

There’s a good chance you’ve seen plenty of those lists detailing common steroid myths in your day. The interesting thing about these lists is that they are usually designed for the non-user, with the intent of scaring any remaining undecided potential candidates for steroids into holding off on the drugs indefinitely. However, these exaggerative and often outright false ads often undermine the credibility of the anti-steroid point of view, and rightfully so. Alas, there are many bodybuilders who have already taken the plunge, who may still believe some commonly held misconceptions. Here is a list of common steroid myths for the reader who is already using anabolic steroids.

More is better

This is a commonly held practice among many new bodybuilders to run their first cycle, then attempt to double their results the next time around by doubling the amount of oil they inject each time. The truth is that there is very much a law of diminishing returns when it comes to anabolic steroids. Once you reach the point of optimal gains, your next move is into negative gains territory. Suddenly your body is working so hard to combat the negative side effects of these super high doses that growth cannot be attained nor sustained. The sad irony is that these same bodybuilders are risking health and wasting dosages when they could be making double the gains with half of the amount of steroids.

Some steroids don’t cause Gyno

The fact of the matter is that even though some steroids differ on the anabolic:androgenic ratio, they all have the ability to distort your body’s hormone function and hormonal balances. Sometimes immediately, and sometimes weeks after use is discontinued, you can suffer from a hormone bounce which can cause either a testosterone crash or an estrogen spike. Neither is desired if you don’t want nipple mass growing. Avoid these problems by using post-cycle therapy drugs and common sense dosing.

Some steroids don’t have any side effects

This is true, with one caveat. There is no such thing as a useful steroid without side effects. Sure, you can run mini-cycles of Anavar and maybe see a little bit of new hardness on your body without any noticeable side effects. But when it comes to real cycles delivering real results, dealing with real side effects is just part of the equation.

Law enforcement doesn’t care about small-time users

As evidenced by the rash of recent arrests across the southeastern United States, law enforcement agencies are indeed very interested in the activities of the small-time, small dose purchasers. Even though they may spend thousands of dollars in man hours to capture a single buyer with $180 worth of profit, there is a good chance the customer will identify their dealer and anyone else they know of who uses steroids to law enforcement as fast as humanly possible, if it means they get to stay out fo a jail cell. If you are ordering illegally to your home or place of business, you are breaking the law and putting yourself at a great deal of risk. This is never advisable.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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