
Analysis of Dextrose and Crystalline Fructose

Crystalline fructose is not the most optimal substance that can be used to supply energy in the body. It is for this fact that the conventional high energy drinks contain slightly low levels of fructose. As it happens, fructose is absorbed and metabolized considerably slower in the liver, the kidneys, the fatty tissues and the small intestines. This slowness hinders it from being the energy source of choice in the body. The energy output is equally below par; somewhere in the range of 20-30 percent. In addition to these technicalities, many people are uncomfortable with the consumption of fructose. Some people even feel severe abdominal pains when they consume large amounts of the same.

On the other hand, dextrose is comparably better in the supply of energy. It is capable of supplying as much as 60-80% of the fuel content required in a workout. As a result you will find that most energy drinks in the market are made from a combination of both fructose and polymers of glucose. These polymers are sourced from maltodextrin. The fructose is primarily used to supply flavor and sweetness.
In drinks like Carbo Force the amounts of dextrose are principally higher. In these cases the dextrose is utilized as both the fuel source and the sweetener. As for fructose, its chief role in this case is to act as a buffer for the possible insulin effects which may be taken by many people as an instance of sugar crash. This is obviously with regards to the high sugar levels that will be generated by increased glucose. The fructose will facilitate the return of normal sugar levels in the blood similar to those experienced during rest. High fructose is not recommended for high-energy drinks.

The fact that fructose should not be used as the sweetener in energy drinks is emphasized by the fact that modern sports and high energy drinks make us of the carbohydrate-stacking principle. This is a formulation that includes glucose polymers and (or) soluble starches, and dextrose, and relatively little amounts of fructose. The advantages of using this sort of product have been acclaimed in bodybuilding circles and they are far much superior to those attained by consuming fructose-sweetened drinks.

It is worthwhile that we mention one or two things about soluble starches. These are substances that are derived from corn and other products of corn. These are generally referred to as ˜corn. The soluble starches have been advocated as being better in the sustenance of glucose levels in the blood. It is therefore okay to say that the carb stacking principle can really be optimized if one decides to include soluble starches as part of the ingredients of the energy drink. What is of the essence is that the energy drink should be able to provide adequate amounts of sustained energy to the bodybuilder prior to and within the workout not forgetting the post-workout period. Thanks to years of research in this area it has been proven that energy drinks are quite indispensable in bodybuilding.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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