
Discover The Benefits Of Using Dianabol

Dianabol has been a very popular drug for a very long time. It was one of the favorites of Arnold and his generation, and remains popular to this day among beginners who manage to obtain a bottle, all the way up to advanced users who use it as a “kick” to their standard test cycles. Let’s learn more about how to buy real Dianabol online!

Dianabol Positives

Dianabol is a very popular steroid because it does deliver results. Gains in muscle loss come hard and fast. Bone density is increased, which leads to strength gains. Fat loss occurs as well. Testosterone levels spike. The bodybuilder becomes bigger, stronger, and more aggressive. Added size to deltoids and quadriceps where a great deal of androgen receptors lie lead to radical jumps in bench press and squat numbers almost overnight. Dianabol is a very effective steroid.

Down the hatch

Dianabol is an orally administered drug, which means it is consumed by mouth via pill form. They are found in pink 5 mg tablets.

Building the Dianabol stack

Dianabol should be used in conjunction with other AAS to create a highly effective muscle-build and fat-loss stack. Dianabol is most commonly stacked with Deca 300, Equipoise, or testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate.

Dianabol as the kicker

Dianabol is a great steroid to use at the beginning of a cycle. Most injectable oils take at least a week to begin showing effects upon the body. Dianabol, taken orally, begins to “kick in” after two or three days. Users will feel a new found sense of strength, and the muscles will begin to develop a new level of hardness, within about a week. As the other injectables begin to show effect, it’s advisable to taper off the Dianabol.

Dianabol Dosing

Typical size and length of a Dianabol cycle varies. Conservative cycles should sit at about 4 weeks, as part of a testosterone stack. Longer stacks can range up to ten weeks. Some inexperienced users tend to get their hands on a big bottle of Dianabol and just keep taking it until they’re out this is a terrible idea with health consequences, as you will read next.


Dianabol, taken orally, can have toxic side effects upon the body. Just as it is a strong compound which delivers positive bodybuilding results (muscle gain and fat loss), its side effects are strong too. Dianabol delivers toxicity to the body twice after being consumed. It is filtered by the liver upon digestion, then again after it is part of the bloodstream. For this reason, Dianabol is not a cornerstone for steroid cycles. Instead, most bodybuilders prefer injectable drugs which are only processed once by the liver.

Dianabol Side effects

The potential side effects of Dianabol are the same as most oral steroids liver polyps, prostate growth, hair loss, acne, and gynecomastia following the cycle, due to elevated testosterone levels.


Following a cycle using Dianabol and other testosterone compounds, your body will still be producing high levels of estrogen to match the high testosterone levels. Immediately begin a cycle of an anti-aromatase such as Arimidex or Clomed to keep testosterone levels elevated and estrogen levels lowered.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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