have you been diagnosed with low testosterone levels

Have You Been Diagnosed With Low Testosterone Levels ?

Q: I’m a 38 year old male who was diagnosed a few months back for low test levels. I was in the 250 range, which doc said wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t good. He gave me a ’scrip for 150mg/ week of Test Cyp and a little HCG. Are these steroids enough to make a difference if I started to train again too? Will I pack on a lot of mass with this amount? I quit working out about a year ago because my progress just fell flat. Will this help me gain enough muscle?

A: Enough muscle for what? That is the question! I do appreciate the stats you gave me – it helps. But, I’d say you have a few things happening here. One, you have too high expectations and aren’t being realistic, and two, you have a skewed idea of how much is going to help you make some gains. First off guys I know take 500mg of Test Cyp a couple times a week. So even if you weren’t low testosterone levels yourself, you’d struggle with the “packing on mass” part. It would give you a boost, but not enough to make huge gains – 6 or 7 pounds maybe. For some guys your age, that’s enough if they don’t want to step on stage. But, here’s the problem: You already have low testosterone levels. So that means that anything you put into your body is going to serve that – particularly in those amounts. By the way, HCG is not a steroid. It’s a way to help your body kickstart its own testosterone. Did doc give you? You didn’t say how he has you taking both. Anyhow, if I were you, since your own testosterone production is lacking and you need to at least get back to normal, do what doc says and work out for your own physical well being and condition. Part of what makes someone sluggish is not exercising. Lifting is a great remedy for your head and body. Hope this helps.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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