CHEMICAL NAME: Boldenone Undecylenate COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: India FORM: Injectable ALSO KNOWN AS: EQ USES: This is a veterinary drug used to treat horses for muscle wasting or for rehab after an injury to regain muscle and get back into regular work. There is no partner drug in the human steroid world that is equivalent, […]
Esiclene And Site Injections
“All hat, no cattle” the old oilman’s phrase goes. This expression illustrates the silliness of the man who doesn’t invest wisely. In the marketing world, the phrase “all sizzle, no steak” might be appropriate to describe a similar case, of the product that looks great but doesn’t have many benefits. In the bodybuilding world, the […]
The Battle With Gynecomastia
“Bob had bitch tits”, or so the movie character famously said. This opening one-liner from Fight Club is perhaps the most mainstream mention of gyno. It introduced a generations of moviegoers to the horror that is male breast tissue growth, although many were already familiar with it. Gyno – What is it? Gynecomastia is a […]
Tips For Managing Your Steroid Cycle
With all of the steroid discussion you see on the web today, it seems that sometimes beginner steroid users can feel overwhelmed. They see these detailed lists of complex chemical names. They don’t know what compounds come in pill form, and which goes into a vial to be injected. They see words like cycles, stacking, […]
EQ 300
EQ 300, or boldenone undecylenate, is a favorite veterinary steroid of many athletes, made by Dragon Pharma. Its effects are strongly anabolic, and only moderately androgenic. By itself, it will provide a steady and consistent gain in mass and strength. However, best results are achieved when it is used in conjunction with other steroids. For […]
Understanding Testosterone and Hormone Therapy for Men
Hormone replacement therapy is one of the hottest topics in bodybuilding today. It involves the use of synthetic hormones to allow the body to produce higher levels of the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Originally designed for people with low hormone levels due to a condition, it quickly caught on among elderly people who […]
Understanding Your Glycemic Index
Tackling diet is a difficult matter. There are so many factors involved in stimulating fat loss, maintaining metabolic health and getting lean enough to kick the snot out of your nemesis in a posedown, that any edge is crucial. Enter the glycemic index. You may have heard of it, but I’ll you don’t practice it […]
Using Growth Hormone For Fat Loss
Q: I want to take GH just for fat loss, but I don’t know how much to take. What is the best dose to lose body fat? A: A lot depends upon how much you weigh, how much fat you need to lose and what time frame you have. GH does work relatively slowly on […]