Since steroids were labeled as a controlled substance twenty years ago, a great deal of information has been dispersed about them, by people with various agendas. Until the late 1980s, steroids were used much more commonly among many different groups of people. They were easy to obtain, affordable, and many people just considered them to […]
Get Mass With These Killer Steroid Cycles
Q: Can you give me a few good cycles for mass building? Guys in the gym won’t touch me because I’m new and they don’t know what the deal is yet. I’m totally on the up-and-up, but I can’t find help. I’ve taken a few cycles back in my home state, but now that I’m […]
The Anatomy Of A Mass Cycle
Are you ready to run your first cycle of anabolic steroids for all-out mass gains? You should expect to gain 15 to 25 pounds if you train correctly, and experience only minor side effects. Let’s check out some of the details you may have overlooked! Be assured of quality You are definitely testing your luck […]
The Best Brand Of Testosterone Enanthate To Use
Q: If you were me and you had a choice of several different brands of Test E, which would you take? which one would you use? price is not an issue. Kalpa Testoxyl Enanthate – 1 7Lab Testolab-E – 2 Balkan Test E – don’t know much about it. Dragon Pharma Test E – 2 […]
1Steroids.Net Reviews
1Steroids.Net is an online anabolic steroid store founded in late 2011. The company offers one of the most diverse selection of anabolics, androgens, aromatase inhibitors, fat burners and peptides on the web page. 1Steroids takes pride in its customer service and the quality of every product it sells. In fact it claims to be the […] Reviews
Nowadays people have realized the harmful effects of steroids, but the habit of juicing is a very tough one to give up. KalpaPharm is one of the pioneers in providing anabolic and androgenic steroids. This is not a very old company, but they are already quite well known. Products There are a lot of drug […]
hCG Intramuscular As An Alternative To Subcutaneous
Q: Why would someone recommend HCG intramuscular, instead of sub-q? A lot of dudes seem to use it this way. I just always thought HCG and insulin were sub-q. A: Believe it or not, the manufacturer recommends HCG injections intramuscular. Odd, huh? Who knew? It is a little known fact that has been bypassed by […]
Your Daughter On Steroids?
For people who work to get in shape through natural exercises devoid of steroids, grasping the reasons as to why athletes, for instance cyclists or even bodybuilders, can compromise their careers and risk their healthy lifestyle by using performance enhancers is quite hard to comprehend. Anabolic steroids are some of the most lethal drugs under […]