Originally designed for cattle to increase size and mass before slaughter, Parabolan has become a highly popular anabolic steroid in recent years. Formerly called Finaject, and recently discontinued in medical laboratories, it is still arriving from overseas sources with regularity. Parabolan by Dragon Pharma, or Para for short, is a highly popular anabolic steroid because, […]
Gathering The Facts About Steroids
It is synonymous that steroids are some of the most popular drugs in the market today and that their use is growing by the day across all nations of the world. What is surprising however is that the popularity of steroids is masked by misinformation and ignorant myths. Even users themselves are often misinformed about […]
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
Many people – from bodybuilders to doctors to college partygoers – have heard of GHB. It’s had a history as a great way to gain muscle, being a date rape drug, and costing some people their lives. It’s a dangerous yet highly useful drug. Let’s learn more about its origins, uses, and whether or not […]
Furazabol: Small & Effective
There’s a drug out there known as Furazabol that you probably haven’t heard of. It’s a rare but suddenly emerging drug that has the unique characteristics of lowering cholesterol, arriving in a safe and easy 1 mg size, and delivers good results without any serious side effects. Let’s learn more about Furazabol! Q: Is Furazabol […]
Clostebol: The Safest Testosterone Steroid Available Today?
Clostebol, or Megagrisevit Mono, is a drug that isn’t widely available on the market today. However, it does fill a unique niche as a standard testosterone steroid with a minor adjustment at the molecular level which prevents the steroid from interacting with enzymes in the body – or becoming too powerful. The result was all […]
Clomid & Bodybuilding – Underground Info!
So you’ve just run your first cycle, and you loved everything about it. Sure, the side effects were a little harsh at times, but the muscle you gained was just incredible. You feel, and look, like a brand new man. You are stronger, leaner, and your stamina is through the roof. You can’t wait to […]
Can Steroids Cause Insomnia?
Q: I’m having a lot of sleep problems on AAS. I was always a bit of an insomniac, but this is getting horrific. Sleepanol works, but I get used to it fast and am wide awake by week’s end. I was thinking of trying Xanax or weed because Ambien and other drugs that are newer […]
Everything You Need To Know About Femara
When female breast cancer is not responding to traditional drugs, doctors often turn to a drug called Femara to help stop the growth. Femara is highly effective in inhibiting aromatization, which allows the cells to grow. As with many drugs that are effective in the medical field, it didn’t take long for bodybuilders and researchers […]