You’re new to the steroid game, but it doesn’t mean you have to make rookie mistakes. Here are ten tips you should follow to make the best of your first foray into the world of body building steroids. Start with testosterone Never start steroids with some designer blend of drugs you purchased from some obscure […]
A Look At The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Nandrolone Decanoate
If you’re a bodybuilder, chances are pretty good you’re already well aware of the wonderful benefits of Deca-durabolin. It’s been around for a half a century, fueling the early workouts of Bill Pearl and Arnold, all the way up to today’s champions. Deca works, plain and simple. It makes you bigger, stronger, and increases vascularity […]
Fast Facts on Trenbolone Enanthate
Real men use Tren. I believe the phrase reads something like that. Whatever the origin, it rings true for its users. Trenbolone Enanthate is a serious steroid for serious bodybuilders. Here are some common questions answered about Trenbolone Enanthate (TE). Is Trenbolone Enanthate available for human use? Yes and no. A lot of bodybuilders take […]
Steroid Control Act – Did Congress Do You A Favor?
As we all know, it was nearly twenty years ago that Congress decried innocent steroid users nationwide by taking away their God-given rights to ingest as much Dianabol and inject as much testosterone Enanthate as humanly possible. Since the passage of the Steroid Control Act of 1990, there have only been two ways for bodybuilders […]
Steroid Information: Androgens Vs. Myostatin
A battle rages inside every bodybuilder. It is a conflict between two compounds, of polar opposite function in the muscle gain/loss spectrum. It is a lifetime struggle between the two, each more determined than the other to dictate the level of muscle you hold. It’s the battle between myostatin and androgens, and it’s taking place […]
Steroid Q&A: Dostinex
Q: I’m going to take Dostinex in a .5 dose two times a week when I am doing my Tren. I heard it helps with sides of the AAS, like Anadrol and Tren. Any side effects to worry about? A: Dostinex is a dopamine agonist, and is a serious drug. It is made in 2mg […]
Here’s a Method That Is Helping To Manage The Frequency of Training
The frequency of training is an important factor in body building that it determines how effectively muscles are accumulated, toned or even strengthened. Establishing an appropriate training rhythm therefore is a key priority requirement for any serious professional or armature body builder. It is primarily important that a body builder determines from the very start […]
Steroids And Your Heart – Info You Need To Know!
All athletes experience some thickening of the heart muscle tissue as a result of their years of intense training. While aerobic and anaerobic exercise are terrific for increasing blood flow to the heart, they also thicken the muscle in the walls. This causes an increased amount of tension on the walls of the heart. More […]