roidspharm com reviews Reviews

This suppliers offers an extraordinary assortment of anabolic steroids. You can discover there such brands as Balkan Pharmaceuticals, British Dragon, Dragon Pharma, Gen-Shi Laboratories, Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, Sciroxx and others. There are many positive reviews from clients.


Prices offered by the supplier are great. All in all, customers are generally satisfied with costs since they are reasonable. Additionally, regularly there are discounts and bulk offers.


Numerous users who bought steroids from say that gear has great quality.


There are reviews from clients about lost packages, in such cases this supplier ofers free re-shiping for lost/damaged items. However, most users says that they had received all products for which they paid.

Customer service

Client support is not terrible, you can pose any question that annoys you and much of the time you will get a reply amid a day. Anyway, in the event that you didn’t receive a reply, try reaching them once more.


Steroids Online Website

The site is well designed, everything looks cutting edge and helpful. Some of the time it takes long to load.


All in all, is an old and reliable steroid source. According to many reviews on various forums, you may safely order there high quality gear.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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9 thoughts on “ Reviews

  1. First time using anavar put it at my last 4 weeks of my cutting cycle with testosterone ,tren ace and masteron everything was very good

    anavar was fire and couldn”t stop training.

  2. good product and gear would recommend to any 1 site was very knowledgeable .

    The gear i noticed alot of gain and maintained communication package arrived on time and no problems

  3. Great supplier, effective, quick and reliable

    Top-notch communication, website easy to use and order from, got confirmation of order asap and order was dispatched next day. Emails kept me informed

    Very discreet, solid packaging

    First 25 days used 100mg Tbol, made good gains, around 5lbs, now onto Anavar 100mg day for next 25 days, noticed getting more defined now, added an extra lb of muscle so far, 15 days to go.

    Products are effective, however cannot compare with other brands as I’ve only done 1 cycle prior to this one.

  4. Legit. Provided quality compounds. During my visit to Ca, I could not take risk of ordering overseas neither can i bring compounds with myself. Was directed to him by relatively less acquainted buddy.

    Excellent. Answered questions on time. No hassle. dispatched da order immediately

    Shipping was fast and discreet:

    Test Blend (sustanon)


    IGF 1 LR3

    Deca Durabolin

    Great quality compounds. Noticeable compounds especially Anadrol. It is one of my favorite pre workouts. IGF1 gave me extra intense pumps. Pinned pre and post workouts. All products worked great and enjoyed my time during the stay with local gym buddies.

    Excellent quality compounds. A supplier worth your bucks

  5. I ordered 4x dp eq/test 400 and 200IU Kalpatropin 8 weeks ago.

    The parcel arrived after few days

    I started the eq/test straight away, at 2ml twice a week, circa 850 of each test and equi a week, nominal.

    The test kicked in as supposed ( I was at 200 test and 200 equi in the previous weeks ) and the Equi increased . my appetite and the protein synth. I went from 85Kg to 91kg, increased vascularity, lean gains

    Happy with it.

  6. Big props to most trusted source. Been running kalpa test e and the 7lab test p both are good. Never had an order with take longer than 3 weeks to door.

  7. Roidspharm was my first experience on, and thanks to him, his service and gear I stayed in here for good.

    T/A was 14 days, crazy fast, and very professional packaging.

    1 Testosterone Enanthate

    1 Deca

    1 Test 450

    2 Testosterone Propionate

    I only used the test propionate at the beginning of my cycle , and it made me remember the good feeling of test on your body, all the sides and the pros were there, libido acne , power and fast recovery from workouts under low daily calories.

  8. Roidspharm has been a godsend for me over the past year. After my source went on hiatus, I was very concerned with finding another as reliable in terms of delivery and quality. The consensus of others I trusted was Roidspharm and they didn’t steer me wrong I just received another pack, trouble free and will be reviewing my last order, in regard to quality and gains. Working through a disastrous cycle, due to this flu from hell, which was nice enough to hit me twice in as many months, I have been able to maintain the strength gains I achieved beforehand, even after losing several weeks of gym time because of that Body weight is hard to gauge due to the aforementioned illness but, after missing nine days straight at one point, I was back to benching 275 by the second chest workout, after returning. This is primarily a cut cycle so I haven’t kept track of size but have consistently gained strength throughout and have been able to double and even triple reps on all fronts

    Communication is unparalleled with any emails being answered every time she logs in. Hard not to view this source more as a friend so all commo was casual in nature: no support was required

    Travel time was 12 days, with a holiday in the middle. I plan on this turnaround (which is still lightning fast compared to what we used to go through) and I’ve never had a concern. Place the order, roll on and it’ll show up safe, sound and discreet





    Going into the end of this cycle so almost three months on (just added the Deca to finish up). Gear is as clean and smooth as it gets. If you get pip pinning this, you’re doing it too fast. At one minute per ml, no pain, no lump, no nothing. Biggest problem is trying to remember where I pinned last, so I don’t keep hitting the same spot

    A great source that deserves to be in the top five, although I’m happy with them here in the semi anonymous rankings.

  9. I’m a new customer and so far I’m very happy!! I’ve placed quiet a few orders since I found out about this site and I usually received my orders in about 3 days 🙂

    Their gears are legit and email response time is awesome – they keep you informed when they received your payment and when your products is shipped and when you should be receiving it – What else can you ask for?!! And with these prices I’m never going back to my local This time I know I’m getting the real deal and best of all I’m NOT breaking my budget!! I’m sure this sounds too good to be true BUT this time its for REAL!! Just give em a try and you’ll see what I’m talking about. And if you still don’t believe and don’t want to place an order then good luck with your search and reading tons of misleading reviews from people who never placed an order themselves.

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