In every type of steroid there are the benefits as well as what may be termed as dangerous of using or abusing the same. This is because the body reacts differently to the different administered steroid and causes different outcomes. For the cortisone steroid, there are differences in reactions as well as benefits and dangers […]
How To Properly Monitor Steroid Use
Moderation is the key in life, right? Too much of anything will kill you, no matter how terrific of a death it would be. When it comes to steroid use, moderation is very important for maintaining your health, and setting yourself up in a position where steroid use can occur safely for years. Many young […]
Anti-Estrogen Compounds
The reasons as to why we need compounds that are anti-estrogen are varied, yet they are as important as any steroid issue can be. Steroids are important in the body, that’s for sure, but when taken in some amounts they could be really problematic and dangerous. From the onset, they are taken for their action […]
Anabolic Steroids And Their Effects On Your Thyroid
There’s a lot of mystery involving the thyroid and the effects that bodybuilding drugs can have upon it. Let’s address a few commonly asked questions regarding steroid use and the thyroid. A few misconceptions, resulting from deliberate fear tactics, might even be disproved! What does the thyroid do? This small gland is your body’s natural […]
Steroids And Injection Pain
Needles are serious business when it comes to bodybuilding. They deliver a lot of things, both good and bad. On the good side, needles can be used to bring chemical compounds into the body which can improve stamina, energy levels, strength, blood testosterone levels, and deliver new raw muscle mass. On the bad side, needles […]
Detailed Information About Anavar Dosing
Getting the dosage right with Anavar is very important. Especially in men, going too low can result in little to no gains. However, it is an oral, despite being a weak one, so going overboard with dosing can result in some of the negative side effects that Anavar is reputed for avoiding. Too much of […]