
The Effectiveness Of Cyclofenil During Your Post Cycle Therapy

If there is a single regret that is probably the largest among bodybuilders who use steroids, it’s likely their early neglect for the all-important topic of PCT, or post-cycle therapy. When the bodybuilder is “on” a steroid cycle, he feels almost invincible. However, when the cycle ends (due to lack of supply or common sense system recovery times), many bodybuilders just stop cold turkey. They do not realize that for the last 3 to 4 months (or whatever length of the cycle), the body has been functioning on an extremely high level of testosterone. As a result of this elevation, estrogen production has spiked to keep up with it. This is fine during the cycle, as a hormone balance exists. However, when the artificial level of testosterone is suddenly reduced to zero or to a maintenance level, a major hormonal imbalance occurs!

Extremely high estrogen levels can cause the much-dreaded gynecomastia, a swelling of breast tissue around the nipple. It’s a permanent condition from which many bodybuilders suffer. It can be treated with medication and surgery, but the best course of action is to avoid this ailment in the first place. Since you know there will be a huge swing in hormone balance at the end of a steroid cycle, plan ahead. Use a compound like cyclofenil.

Cyclofenil is used to reduce the effects of estrogen in your body by boosting testosterone production. Much like its sister products Nolvadex and Clomid, it is classified as a SERM – a selective estrogen receptor modulator. Cyclofenil works by eliminating the negative ‘feedback loop’ caused by estrogen, which stimulates the testes to begin production once again. Your natural levels of T production will be very low following a cycle, and cyclofenil will assist with that. The levels will still be much lower than they were when you were “on” the cycle, and they may not rival the levels you produced naturally before beginning a cycle, but the levels will be manageable and the estrogen side effects will be minimized. In terms of that most dreaded side effect, gynecomastia, cyclofenil depresses levels of the serum FSH which are binding to breast tissue. This prevents tissue growth, and even male breast lactation which does occur in some users.

Cyclofenil is not as inexpensive or available as Nolvadex or Clomid, so it isn’t nearly as popular as a PCT SERM. However, some bodybuilders find themselves in a position where cyclofenil is the only PCT option, and it works fine in those situations. It is absolutely essential that you use some sort of SERM following a steroid cycle. At the time, the gyno may grow at such a slow rate that it doesn’t concern you. Or, you may believe that with your size, it won’t really show. However, when you finally diet down for the next show, the gyno will be staring you in the eye in the majority of poses. Use of a SERM is easy and painless, and will make you feel better in the post-cycle phase due to higher testosterone level. Make it a part of your cycle. Cyclofenil isn’t the preferred SERM by most, but it does the job when it’s the only compound available!

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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