It’s really an involving and a brainstorming task to differentiate between fake and real steroids, the reason being there is over-abundance of its fake counterpart in the black market. The scenario in steroids is such that out of a hundred steroids produced, only one person might have come across the quality steroid in use. Besides […]
Buying Anabolic Steroids
The fact of the matter is that buying anabolic steroids without a prescription is a risky endeavor in many ways. You want to make sure that you know all of the side affects involved before making such a purchase. The fact of the matter is that although there is a decriminalization movement in the United […]
Anabolic Steroids Pictures
When it comes to anabolic steroids pictures, some may wonder if it is possible to determine whether or not someone is on steroids based on the mere imagery present in the picture. Well, here is the absolute truthful answer: without a drug test, it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy that someone is using […]
Testing Your Steroids For Purity
Question: Someone I know mentioned that they got their UG gear tested and I wanted to do the same. Can you tell me where I can get UG gear tested to determine how close it may be to the actual mg doses stated? Answer: There is such a place. You’ll want to remain anonymous, of […]
What Are The Strongest Steroids On The Market?
Question: What are the strongest steroids on the market today? Answer: Well, the most powerful steroids today are often not the most ideal. Then again, some are. We can classify, again, based on our opinion, but someone out there is going to say, “Oh no way man! You have it all wrong!” Since we hate […]
HCG – The Natural Hormone To Help Produce Testosterone
The Human Chorionical Gonadotropin or HCG in short does not occur as an anabolic steroid, though as a natural hormone that does develop within a pregnant woman’s placenta. HCG is widely used alongside androgenic steroids after or during the treatment. As aforementioned, most injectable and oral steroids have been known to cause lots of negative […]
Anadrol – Big Gains, Big Risks
Anadrol is a helluva drug. Extremely effective for building strength and lean muscle mass, this anabolic steroid gets results. Subjects taking this compound typically add several pounds of muscle in 1-2 weeks, with gains continuing even as body fat levels drop. Strength goes up significantly, as does aggression in the gym. There is a huge […]
The Pros And Cons Of Steroid Use
In every type of steroid there are the benefits as well as what may be termed as dangerous of using or abusing the same. This is because the body reacts differently to the different administered steroid and causes different outcomes. For the cortisone steroid, there are differences in reactions as well as benefits and dangers […]