Q: I am in my first week of everyday injections of Tren and Masteron (100mg each) and I am wondering if I should take Adderall everyday since it will kill my appetite, which is out of control? A: Adderall is a drug some bodybuilder’s take. I don’t recommend it, but some say that it kills […]
Best Steroids for Cutting
With the growing popularity of steroids, there are three types that have made it to the top as the best steroids for cutting. These are Anavar, Primobolan and Winstrol. The reason why these three is popular is because of the the fast-acting results seen by users everywhere. These steroids provide you with the muscle definition […]
Testoxyl Suspension
Testoxyl Suspension is an exceptionally professional drug, which makes sense to use either by powerlifters or weightlifters who will undergo doping control. In bodybuilding, the Testosterone Suspension is practically not used, because there is simply no point in this. On the one hand, it is more difficult to use the drug, it is painful to […]
Nandroxyl is an androgenic anabolic steroid of the second class, which differs structurally from testosterone by the presence of hydrogen in the 19th position. 19-Nortestosterone is a long-acting steroid that is mixed with vegetable oil. But also Nandroxyl can be synthesized by the human body under natural conditions, although the concentration of its metabolites in […]
Primobolan Depot
One of the best deals in basic steroids with a profound bias on anabolic effects is Primobolan Depot, as much as it is weaker than the steroid Deca Durabolin, and it can be easily combined well with any steroids. For those who want to gain muscle mass fast and are lacking Deca, Primobolan Depot combined […]
Sustamed – Frequently Asked Questions
What do you get when you shove four testosterone esters into a blender then inject it into someone’s glutes? You get one happy bodybuilder enjoying the benefits of a steroid called Sustamed. Let’s learn more about this drug and see if it’s right for you! Q: First off, what exactly is Sustamed? A: Sustamed is […]
Esiclene – Frequently Asked Questions
Esiclene is very popular in the bodybuilding world, despite the fact it’s unlike any other steroid. Let’s address some of the commonly asked questions regarding its use in the sport. What is Esiclene? It’s technically a steroid; A very weak steroid, actually. Being neither highly anabolic nor androgenic, it’s not often used for its long-term […]
Parabolan – The Slaughterhouse Steroid
Originally designed for cattle to increase size and mass before slaughter, Parabolan has become a highly popular anabolic steroid in recent years. Formerly called Finaject, and recently discontinued in medical laboratories, it is still arriving from overseas sources with regularity. Parabolan by Dragon Pharma, or Para for short, is a highly popular anabolic steroid because, […]