Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin, or “Deca”) is a highly effective anabolic steroid used worldwide for decades by powerlifters and bodybuilders. In bodybuilding circles, the issue of Deca’s effects upon the body’s receptors has long been discussed. A “receptor theory” has been debated for years. Does using Deca result in damage to your body’s receptors, limiting future gains? […]
A Warning To Athletes About Nandrolone
Bodybuilders, powerlifters, and track & field athletes have long enjoyed the effects of Nandrolone. For bodybuilders, the drug can be stacked with testosterone and an oral such as Dianabol or Anadroxyl to combine to deliver a powerful off-season mass-building stack. In the pre-contest phase, Nandrolone is useful for cutting as well. Stacked with less harsh […]
A Detailed Look At The Steroid, Laurabolin
Laurabolin is a popular steroid which is fairly effective in leading to gains in mass and strength. Let’s learn a little bit about the steroid known as Laurabolin. What were its original uses? Like many drugs, Laurabolin was initially used in the veterinary world. It quickly found its way into human use via Mexico, when […]
A Look At The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Nandrolone Cypionate
If you’re a bodybuilder, chances are pretty good you’re already well aware of the wonderful benefits of Deca-durabolin. It’s been around for a half a century, fueling the early workouts of Bill Pearl and Arnold, all the way up to today’s champions. Deca works, plain and simple. It makes you bigger, stronger, and increases vascularity […]
Vials vs Amps
There’s been a lot of ink and bytes used on this topic but the question persists: What is better, single dosed Ampules or Multidose Vials? It seems every bodybuilder has a different opinion on the subject, but it would seem that one can see a trend if looking at geographical background of the builder. Bodybuilders […]
Sustaxyl: The Number One Testosterone Blend
In the steroid world, blends are wildly popular. It may seem odd that men of science, and many steroid users would prefer some compound containing multiple products, over something pure that they could easily predict, control, and stack. However, there is a distinct advantage that comes with the use of blend of different peaking times. […]
Deca 300 Information
Deca 300 is one of the most well-known anabolic androgenic steroids. It has become popular due to it’s many uses, and effectiveness in producing muscle mass. Part of it’s reputation has also come from the many professional athletes that have been punished for using the drug. Deca 300 has strong anabolic properties but is a […]
Top Muscle Enhancers In The Bodybuilding Market Today
The body building industry is currently flooded with steroid products especially in the black market. Majority of these types of products are short lived. This is mainly because the products are bogus and last only long enough to deceive some considerable number of body builders make a quick dollar before changing their brand names and […]