These traditional routes of steroid intake are not known to have any limiting effect on the effectiveness of the drug. The methods of intake have produced similar properties, despite the difference observed in pharmacokinetic principles. On the other hand, steroids that are orally administered have been shown to have more dangerous and harmful effects, and […]
Halotestin Results In Bodybuilding
Halotestin is one powerful oral steroid, delivering plenty of gains with a bit of a downside in its harsh side effects. Let’s examine its use and decide if it is right for you, based upon a few questions you will need to answer: What are your bodybuilding goals? If you are just planning on running […]
Bodybuilding Checklist: OXYPLEX For Mass Gains
You’re a bodybuilder. You’ve been doing this for several years, and you just keep finding yourself in the same rut, time after time. You’ve been eating everything in sight for years. You’ve lifted about as heavy as your bones and joints will allow. You sleep 8 hours per night and squeeze in naps every chance […]
Comparing DNP To ECA
Two weight-loss compounds used by bodybuilders, DNP and ECA sit on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of effectiveness, risks, and popularity. The actual name for DNP is Dinitrophenol, and it is actually an industrial chemical (formerly used to blow things up!) that was discovered to have a profound effect upon fat-burning processes in […]
Oxymetholone: Dropping A-Bombs On Your Physique!
It’s big, it’s bad, and it’s mean. It’s Oxymetholone (also known as Anadrol). This oral steroid is the king of all the oral steroids out there. The results you will see are as predictable as you can imagine. You’ll get mean in the gym. You’ll train with more anger and passion than ever before. At […]
5 Important Facts About Clenbuterol
It’s time to get ripped for a show, and the commonly used stack of ECA (25 mg ephedrine, 250 mg aspirin, and 200 mg caffeine) just isn’t quite enough for you. Legal issues aren’t a problem, nor are the often seen logistical issues of physically getting hold of Clenbuterol It’s yours for the taking. Now […]
Discover The Benefits Of Using Dianabol
Dianabol has been a very popular drug for a very long time. It was one of the favorites of Arnold and his generation, and remains popular to this day among beginners who manage to obtain a bottle, all the way up to advanced users who use it as a “kick” to their standard test cycles. […]
Adding Oxandrolone To Your Testosterone Stack
Are you an intermediate bodybuilder looking for a little kick to add to your testosterone cycle? If so, you may want to look into Oxandrolone. It’s a low-powered oral anabolic that helps to make other cycles better, or can be fairly effective when used alone. We can probably all agree that most beginner bodybuilders benefit […]