When a bodybuilder is unable to succeed in achieving body transformation through the natural way they usually end up taking steroids if bodybuilding supplements fail to work also. Body building steroids are synthetic proteins resembling the male sex hormone and there sole purpose is to help a person become bigger. They are also used by […]
19-Norandrosterone Questions & Answers
What do you get when you add Nandrolone (Nandroxyl) and the 19-norandrostenedione metabolite? That’s an easy one! The answer, of course, is 19-Norandrosterone. Let’s learn more about this product, and see how it can be useful for you! Q: How powerful is 19-Norandrosterone compared with standard injectable testosterone? A: It’s about 70% as powerful, which […]
How Dehydration Can Affect Your Testosterone, Muscle Integrity and Performance
If you’ve spent more than 5 minutes reading about bodybuilding nutrition, you’ve probably already read that bodybuilders need at least a gallon of water per day. Heck, you’ve probably heard since 6th grade health class that you should be drinking at least 8 cups of water for good health. For bodybuilders, however, the demand is […]
Synthroid vs. Cytomel For Pre-Contest Preparation
The thyroid is a remarkably tough organ. Bodybuilders routinely subject it to a great deal of harsh treatment with the use of various drugs to lose fat, and it always seems to bounce back better than ever, and fairly quickly to boot. T3, T4, and Cytomel are all drugs which are commonly used to manipulate […]
How The Female Breast Development Is Stimulated By Steroidal Action
The hormones estrogen and progesterone are of most significance when it comes to the development of the female breast. Both of these hormones work in conjunction with their receptors to impart various aspects of development to the breast. The hormone estrogen is credited with the formation of the duct that is found in the breast […]
Anti-Estrogen Compounds
The reasons as to why we need compounds that are anti-estrogen are varied, yet they are as important as any steroid issue can be. Steroids are important in the body, that’s for sure, but when taken in some amounts they could be really problematic and dangerous. From the onset, they are taken for their action […]
Anabolic Steroids And Their Effects On Your Thyroid
There’s a lot of mystery involving the thyroid and the effects that bodybuilding drugs can have upon it. Let’s address a few commonly asked questions regarding steroid use and the thyroid. A few misconceptions, resulting from deliberate fear tactics, might even be disproved! What does the thyroid do? This small gland is your body’s natural […]
Anabolic Steroid Test Done in Germany
There is an interesting article on Muscular Development showing tests of original, counterfeited, and Underground anabolic steroid products. German Police arrested three dealers in Germany and tested the products they seized with them. Do remember that these tests by an official Government laboratory so the results are most definitely accurate, although the tests seem to […]