Water is a very vital commodity to the human nature. In fact, it is one of the basic commodities that are believed to support life. To a bodybuilder, water is not just a commodity as such, it doubles to be a prerequisite in the training itself. Explained below are some selected areas that make water […]
How To Determine The Right Steroid Doses For Perfect Training
For many bodybuilders, the extreme doses of steroids are the most preferred as compared to other athletes. Once the receptors have been saturated within the body muscle cell, the steroid molecules, which are left behind, are always on the look out for new target. Dysfunction of the liver, hair loss, kidney problems, acne, serious estrogen […]
Understanding Your Glycemic Index
Tackling diet is a difficult matter. There are so many factors involved in stimulating fat loss, maintaining metabolic health and getting lean enough to kick the snot out of your nemesis in a posedown, that any edge is crucial. Enter the glycemic index. You may have heard of it, but I’ll you don’t practice it […]
Domestic U.S. Mail & Steroids
The law is a very powerful tool. Possessing a better understanding of it will help you not only avoid trouble, but avoid putting yourself in any situations remotely related to trouble. The US Mail system is commonly used for transport and delivery of many compounds, including anabolic steroids. Here are a few things you may […]
Half Life, Active Life & AAS
If you are using steroids, or considering the use of anabolics, there’s probably a very good chance you’re doing your homework. If you’re not, you should be. The decision to use steroids is a very serious one which should never be taken lightly. The decisions you make regarding your cycle will affect you for the […]
Four Major Steroid Myths
Since steroids were labeled as a controlled substance twenty years ago, a great deal of information has been dispersed about them, by people with various agendas. Until the late 1980s, steroids were used much more commonly among many different groups of people. They were easy to obtain, affordable, and many people just considered them to […]
Amazing Statistics About Americans And Anabolic Steroid Use
1 in 100 Americans has tried Anabolic steroids. That’s it. It’s a fascinating statistic. What does it tell us? What useful conclusion can we glean from this nugget of information? Let’s examine some of the ramifications of the fact that only 1% of Americans have actually tried anabolic steroids in their lifetime. The stories about […]
Considering Steroids To Further Your Bodybuilding Dreams?
For you who are in to building muscles and gaining muscle mass you might consider the possibility of using steroids, more so the anabolic variety. The use of anabolic steroids has been credited with the rapid development and increase in muscle mass and size. The steroids also tend to minimize the painful effects of the […]