In these scary time of threat levels, talk of pandemics, and the possibility of business closings due to the recently discovered Swine (or H1N1 Influenza A) flu bug, bodybuilders need to be prepared for the possibility of disruptions to the availability of the things they enjoy so much. Let’s make a checklist for everything the […]
Gathering The Facts About Steroids
It is synonymous that steroids are some of the most popular drugs in the market today and that their use is growing by the day across all nations of the world. What is surprising however is that the popularity of steroids is masked by misinformation and ignorant myths. Even users themselves are often misinformed about […]
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate
Many people – from bodybuilders to doctors to college partygoers – have heard of GHB. It’s had a history as a great way to gain muscle, being a date rape drug, and costing some people their lives. It’s a dangerous yet highly useful drug. Let’s learn more about its origins, uses, and whether or not […]
Buy Testosterone Cypionate
It is no secret that people that hit the gym regularly want to get into great shape and do so as fast as humanly possible. However, the human body has its limitations as far as to how it can perform in the gym. Outside the gym, the human mind has come up with a number […]
Length Of The Steroid Action
In life there exist a very thin line between what we wish for and what we can attain, sometimes, what we can attain just becomes a wish or a wish becomes the surest and the easiest thing we can achieve. From the eye of a bodybuilder or that person among us, who hold the audacity […]
The Side Effects Of Alcohol Consumption For A Bodybuilder
Alcohol is an interesting beast. Many Americans consume alcohol each week. It can both improve and destroy lives. Many families have fallen apart due to alcohol abuse, but let’s be honest- alcohol often leads to the procreation which leads to these families being started! Alcohol can be very good when used in moderation, and very […]
The Placebo Effect
Human beings are curious creatures. We only use about ten percent of our brain’s power, yet have managed to land a man on the moon and put computers in everyone’s palm (Pilot) around the world. A total understanding of how the brain actually works would require brainpower greater than we possess, so it’s natural that […]
The Military’s Combat Against Steroids
If there has been a time when any steroid user is facing pressure from different circles, this is the time. In essence, to many, steroids are just abusive drugs like marijuana and coke which must be annihilated and removed from the face of the society. They are just harmful compounds that people cannot get away […]