Q: Listen Doc, here’s a cool way to smuggle all the Test you want from Mexico, here’s what I do. I go down with my girlfriend every 4-5 months and buy about 20 Sustanon 350’s and empty them all into a Coppertone Sun Bathing oil bottle, and she puts it in her purse with all […]
Sustamed – Frequently Asked Questions
What do you get when you shove four testosterone esters into a blender then inject it into someone’s glutes? You get one happy bodybuilder enjoying the benefits of a steroid called Sustamed. Let’s learn more about this drug and see if it’s right for you! Q: First off, what exactly is Sustamed? A: Sustamed is […]
Clostebol: The Safest Testosterone Steroid Available Today?
Clostebol, or Megagrisevit Mono, is a drug that isn’t widely available on the market today. However, it does fill a unique niche as a standard testosterone steroid with a minor adjustment at the molecular level which prevents the steroid from interacting with enzymes in the body – or becoming too powerful. The result was all […]
Testosterone Suspension
Testosterone Suspension is an injectable testosterone suspended in a water solvent – usually 100mg/ml . Testosterone Suspension is one of the oldest androgens available; it was originally developed some 40 years ago. Testosterone Suspension has been used by athletes for decades and still has quite a following who like the fast action of the drug. […]
Steroids And The Endocrine System
If you ever plan on taking anabolic steroids, you should first do your research, spend a few hours reading, and become an expert on the endocrine system. This group of organs controls your body’s hormone production. If you plan to use steroids, you plan to alter your body’s hormone production levels. You also plan to […]
Tips For Boosting Testosterone Levels When Off-cycle
When you are on cycle, you are on. You know what the effects are like. After a few weeks of AAS use, your blood testosterone levels are through the roof, and you are the strongest man on the planet, right? The muscle gains keep coming, your body is as hard as a rock, and you […]
The Synthetic Test That Will Get You Lean And Mean
Q: I’ve used Test Prop in past cycles to lean out, but have had trouble recently getting any Test Prop. But, someone told me the other day that in his opinion, it didn’t matter what test you used. Would Test E be all right to lean out with? I’d run it probably with EQ and […]
How Testosterone Supplementation Can Affect Your Mental Abilities
Most people familiar with bodybuilding or medicine, for that matter, are fairly aware of what testosterone is, and does. Even those without a strong background in the benefits of hormone replacement therapy can usually look at a big “muscle guy” and recognize they’re looking at a lot of testosterone. For those of us approaching 35, […]