
Treatment of Acne

One of the common side effects of the anabolic steroids use is the acne. Use of androgens tends to create such a problem for many bodybuilders and athletes. Sometimes struggling with this unpleasant condition is quite difficult and people try various methods like burning it with alcohol or eating complementary Vitamin A. But often none of the methods help.

After various studies, one of the methods proved to be quite effective for part bodybuilders to get rid of this unwanted side effect. Here are some steps you should undertake in case of acne (especially on the face region):

  • Reduce to almost zero the consumption of carbs.
  • Every morning wash with liquid soap and then with a quality shaving foam
  • During the day, wash as often as possible with liquid soap
  • At night, wipe your face with a special component composed of 200g alcohol + 3 tbsp of oak bark (left to infuse for 3 days) with added Sulfanilamide and Chloramphenicol containing drugs.
  • Twice a week, use a mask scrub.
  • After two weeks of beginning this treatment, it is necessary to go to the cosmetician and make the general cleaning of the face.
  • Acne disappear after about a month of treatment. Technique actually tested in practice by many athletes that are uncomfortable with acne effects.
A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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