doubling your anabolic steroid use

Doubling Your Anabolic Steroid Use = Double The Results, Or Double The Side Effects?

With many things in life, there is a point of diminishing returns. You can only eat so many bites of a hot fudge sundae before the taste isn’t appealing anymore. The first bite is heavenly, the second bite is scrumptious, and the third bite is delicious. Bites #4 thru 10 are great. Every bite from #11 on, well, it’s good but you’re starting to get sick of the sugar, and you’re certainly getting full.

You can have too much of a good thing. This is especially true when it comes to anabolic steroids. You can absolutely overdose on steroids, and although it won’t be the quick reaction you get with overdoses from other drugs, the results can be equally fatal in the end.

Steroid receptors in the body, especially after one has completed that first cycle, are very limited in what they can respond to. Standard AAS protocols are usually designed to garner the most possible benefit from an injection – the most the muscle receptors will be able to respond to. When it comes to toxicity receptors, however, there is no limit. The cells in the prostate, kidneys, and liver which react to anabolic steroids are quite capable of absorbing everything you give them. If 500 mg of a compound is very toxic, then 1000 mg of that same compound is highly toxic.

Anabolic cycles designed by professionals are designed to deliver the best possible mix of results and minimal chance of toxicity. Some ambitious bodybuilders, eager to see results, are often tempted to increase their dosages – sometimes doubling it – in an effort to double results. As common sense should dictate, doubling the drugs means doubling the toxicity. However, in a world of bodybuilders injecting unknown oils into the bodies purchased on an unknown website from an unknown underground lab on the other side of the world, common sense isn’t always in great supply when it comes to home steroid users.

If you have been doubling dosages, it would be a great idea to see a doctor and have a blood panel done to ensure you haven’t done any permanent damage. Even in the often kamikaze world of professional bodybuilding drug use, there are limits, and for good reason. These limits dictate tried-and-true limits for growth based upon toxicity risks. If you choose to violate these rules to try to gain muscle a little faster, you might find yourself fighting a new battle – to save your life.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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