effects of steroids on women

Effects Of Steroids On Women

Steroids are drugs usually taken for treatment of different diseases; they are used for treatment of allergy as seen in asthma, severe allergic Rhinitis, burns, it is used for the treatment of Addison’s disease.

Steroid is one drug that is gaining rapid use, it was previously known to be taken by athlete who wanted to increase their muscular strength and their fitness, but it was later prohibited in sports people.

The effect of steroids in women can be therapeutic and toxic or dangerous to their health, first let’s talk about the positive effects women using steroids have and this is the reason the rate of women using steroids are increasing daily; sports inclined, models and others are often culprits.
Steroids in women make it possible for women to develop defined and increased muscle tone and strength which gives them increased self esteem.

This is true since most women are very concerned with their looks. Steroids intake, for sports women also allows them to have effective and tireless training regime, which is as a result of reduced muscle recovery time. The reason why women take steroids lies on the physical and muscular looks it adds to them.

This could have been good had it been the side effects of steroids in women was not so particular and costly to their general quality of life.
The side effect of steroid is more in women than in men, though these side effects are mostly dose dependent, this is the reason why someone that must take steroid for any reason should take it in its minimum dose. This is the best way to avoid the dangerous toxins from affecting your body.
The most visible and easily identified side effects of steroids in women are the negative physical changes, this is seen when the women become more muscular, losing their feminine curves and shape, with signs of the shrinking of the breast.

Steroids in women causes them to look ‘Puffy’ which is as a result of retention of sodium by the body, another side effect of steroids in women is the increased and noticeable male traits which are deepened voice, baldness of hair on the head which in norm is not seen in women, discontinuation of the usage of the drug does not relieve these symptoms since they are irreversible.

Another side effect of steroids in women is the behavioral changes which include anger, depression, mood swings, and even addiction, though these changes are seen also their cause is still under critical research, to find out if these changes are caused by steroids in women or they are potential hidden behavior being expressed by the use of steroid.

There are also changes that affect the reproductive system, which is more prominent in women than men, maybe because the introduction of steroids in women is strange to their bodies. These physiological changes include, Dysmenorrhea; a changes in the menstrual cycle, Amenorrhea; an absence of menstruation, cervical cancer, cancer of the endometrium, and finally it may cause infertility in women.

Side effect of steroids in women also include other changes in the general body function which are, reduced immune system, since the drug is an immune suppressant, liver damage, high cholesterol in the system, negative effect on the cardiovascular system which can lead to heart attacks. Steroids in women also cause osteoporosis due to the increased and rapid growth in the tone and strength of the muscle the ligaments and tendons are unable to function to full capacity and therefore this problem arises.

Generally, it is known that the side effects of steroids are numerous; it is also known that women are at a higher risk of having them than men and this is due to the fact that the introduction of steroids in women is foreign to their bodies and their bodily reacts negatively to such an intrusion to its normal physiology.

The side effects of steroid who desire to use steroids should first of all educated on the possible side effects of steroids, before making that decision, because as seen earlier these changes are likely to be irreversible. Every woman likes a better look that properly could appreciate her self esteem but there must be other ways of getting this same effect. The side effects of steroids, out weights the benefits, especially in women.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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