andropen 450

Everything You Need To Know About Andropen

Sustanon is a very popular testosterone ester, used by bodybuilder, powerlifters, and other athletes for years. Steroid researchers, being the creative beasts that they are, decided to take Sust a step further. Andropen is the next generation testosterone, a 5 ester blend which is suddenly becoming very popular. Let’s answer a few of the most frequently asked questions regarding its use.

Q: What is the actual chemical makeup of Andropen?
A: In each 10 ml bottle of Andropen, you will find 30 mg acetate, 73 mg propionate, 73 mg phenylpropionate, 125 mg Cypionate, and 147 mg decanoate. These testosterone products have various release mechanisms, meaning Andropen will be releasing in your body from the day you take the shot, for the next two weeks!

Q: What is the ideal dosage for men and women?
A: Men should be using 450 mg on the low end, with up to a full gram on the high end. Women are fine using 100 to 200 mg per week.

Q: I will be entering a natural competition in the future – is Andropen right for me?
A: Andropen can be detected up to 12 weeks after use. In your case, it’s a great off-season compound but should be discarded for the 3-month pre-contest ramp-up phase before your tested show.

Q: How long is Andropen active?
A: As mentioned, it is effective up to two weeks. However, since you’ll be injecting yourself at least twice weekly, the overlap is very beneficial.

Q: What are the positive and negative side effects I will see with Andropen?
A: Initially, you will become a bit stronger. Your appetite will increase, and you will feel very aggressive immediately. After a few weeks, you should notice a gradual weight gain. The negative side effects will also be present. You may notice new acne and some bloating. This is common with any testosterone use. Longer-term use may result in hair thinning and gynecomastia, so you’ll want to be prepared for that.

Q: How long should I remain on Andropen?
A: A normal cycle should last 12 to 16 weeks. Don’t be one of those guys who lives on a testosterone product year round. Your body will shut down natural production and you’ll find yourself worse off when you finally do start, than when you started.

Q: How much does Andropen cost?
A: From $65 to $75, you should be able to secure a 10 ml vial. This is a multi-use product which will last you for some time. It’s cheaper than Sustanon and works much longer. For this reason, it is slowly taking Sust’s place with many users.

Q: Why would I use this product over a single testosterone ester?
A: Both are effective. Many users prefer a multiple-ester blend because it releases each ester slowly over time. With this particular product, you have five releases going on simultaneously. It isn’t cheap – but it’s very effective.

Q: What company makes this product, and is counterfeiting a problem?
A: Andropen is brought to you by British Dragon, a very reputable firm. Fakes are not a major issue at this time.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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