prevent liver damage from steroids

How You Can Prevent Liver Damage From Steroids

Q: What can I take to help with liver damage from AS? I am on liver toxic steroids all the time and I even hurt in the area of the liver. I don’t come off cycles often, and I usually always include A-50 in my off season cycles. Anything good for prevention out there?

A: Well, good news and bad news. Though the liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate itself, it can’t perform miracles. That’s something no one can do anything about. You’re lucky you get even half a chance at regeneration or repair. My question to you is, Why are you always taking liver toxic orals? Why not do cycles that are not liver toxic for awhile?

Stop taking the Anavar, A-50, D-bol and others! It’s just stupid when there are so many ‘roids out there with less risk overall. Since you seem hell bent on destroying yourself, you should be taking ALA, Milk Thistle, and Goldenseal, most of the time. There’s also a European product called Liv-52 that has taken jaundiced people out of the Goldfinger look and into normalcy. I hope you’re not drinking alcohol on the weekends at the same time you’re engaging in these kinds of cycles. You may want to go to the doctor to have some liver tests. Tell him the truth about what you’re doing, and to refrain from preaching.

Tell him you just want the scoop on being healthy while doing AS. He can see if you’re suffering from liver tumors or other anomalies. This is a good idea if you plan on continuing with your current lifestyle. Sorry, but I know a lot of guys probably taking far more AS than you who have chosen their drugs wisely and are living healthy lives as big, hard rocks! There is another way, you know.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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