mega dosing testosterone

Mega-Dosing On Testosterone

Most steroid-using bodybuilders know that the normal dosing for most testosterone-based compounds is 400 to 600 mg per week. This is not only common sense, but seems to be written in just about every reputable guide and website. This standard level of dosing can deliver some negative side effects. After all, any steroid that is effective will also have side effects. Those steroids without noticeable side effects also usually have no real noticeable gain effects either. So in order to get the meaningful results of steroids, a meaningful amount of a useful compound must be used. For many users, 400 to 600 mg, the universally recommended dosage of testosterone ester, is simply not enough. There are several schools of thought when it comes to using levels of testosterone well above the recommended 400 to 600 mg window. Here are a few of them.

Don’t go above 600 mg, no matter what

This is advisable for most intermediate amateur bodybuilders, and definitely for those with an off-season bodyweight under 200 pounds. You are simply not big enough to need a gram of testosterone per week. You may megadose and get up to over 210 pounds, but seeing as you couldn’t reach this number without heavy drugs, you’ll never maintain that foundation when you go “off”. You’ll also never see body weights like 230, as you’re already running too high and there is a ceiling for everything.

800 to 1200 mg is reasonable for bigger bodybuilders

If you’re 220 pounds while only running a few small cycles, then there is a realistic chance you’re going to need to bump up your use to a maximum of double the recommended dosage. This will not be advised by your doctor, who will not put himself at legal risk with such a recommendation. However, most other bodybuilders over 220 pounds in the gym will tell you the same thing – you can’t attain or maintain higher bodyweights while running the 400 to 600 levels – it’s just not enough. It’s not proven safe, but it’s been used for decades in practice by bodybuilders at all levels.

2 to 3 grams a week is acceptable, as long as breaks are taken

This school of thought is used by the highest elite bodybuilders. This level of use isn’t recommended by anyone, and is only used by a small cult group who runs risks the rest of us should never know. Don’t go this high, no matter what your body weight or goals.

There are more splintered schools of thought in the bodybuilding chemical arena, and some call for extremely high or low levels of testosterone to be administered. These are generally considered to be either too weak to be effective for bodybuilding purposes, or so powerful that they would either be too detrimental to health (or the wallet) to be effective. You should select one of the three aforementioned approaches based upon your bodybuilding and life goals. If bodybuilding is just a hobby for you, then 400 to 600 mg should be your ceiling. If you are a high level bodybuilder dependent upon stage success for your income, then you will very likely have to cruise slightly above 1 gram per week, and deal with the side effects.

Bodybuilding is about trade-offs, and testosterone injection levels versus legal and health consequences are one of the most important trade-offs you’ll have to face.

A seasoned fitness enthusiast and advocate for informed choices, our blog author brings a wealth of knowledge about anabolic steroids. Committed to providing reliable and unbiased information, the author empowers readers to navigate the complexities of these substances for educational purposes, fostering a safer and more informed fitness community.
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